Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bath Time

Mattie's bath time is one of my favorite times each day, one of her favorites too. Ed and I work together for her bath's, he holds her and I was her. She is so cute and relaxed when she is in the bath tub. As we put her down in she does her arms all the way out and then as soon as she hits the water she has a total look of relaxation on her face. She just stretches her little arms and legs out all the way and looks totally blissful. Afterwards I get to cuddler her in her little towels then we get her dressed. Her hair is always a little curly fro like her daddies.

The part I think I love the best though, besides her adorable little face, is the amazing way she smells after her bath. I just love to sit and cuddle her and breath in that sweet little smell. It almost brings tears to my eyes it is so precious. It is just such a special part of the day that we share. I know I'm going to miss that when she is too big for these little moments. I'll probably find myself going and buying the little soap she uses now just to smell it and have the memories of her bath time when she was a little babe.


truly blessed said...

there's nothing quite as sweet as the smell of a freshly washed baby. if someone could bottle it they'd make millions. Although probably what makes it so sweet is the baby your holding when you inhale. :) Mattie is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pics.

Lori said...

What a cutie -- I loved apres bathtime, too. Enjoy the camping.