Thursday, August 12, 2010


Well I think it's been about a month or more since I've last written, but there has been so much going on and I haven't been feeling great, which has kept me away, no excuses I know, but there it is, prepare for something long, just warning you now.

The biggest news, though now it is news to no one. . . we are expecting again!!! We are both so completely excited about the new little nugget, with Tilly the jury is still out :). The new little bub is due to arrive mid-February and I can't wait to see their precious little face. I'm not 13 + weeks along and finally starting to feel better and not SO tired all the time. I think I have felt worse this go round, maybe because I already have a little demanding person to keep up with, who knows. Ed is over the moon with it all and just can't wait either, he says he's even more excited this time around if that is even possible because now he knows how amazing it is. That's a picture of the little nugget with it's hand up by it's mouth.

Other news. . . Tess, the dog, is still crazy but her and Tilly absolutely adore each other. It's hard to keep them apart. They are constantly cuddling and wrestling, it's pretty adorable, too bad they won't stay still long enough to get their pictures made, but maybe one day I'll catch them. We just had Tess desexed (spayed) so had to watch Tilly extra close, she didn't quite understand why she could cuddle and lay on Tessy like usual. Tilly loves getting to walk Tess, which usually doesn't last too long since Tess pulls a bit to hard and gets away, but it is really cute while it last and Tilly thinks she's such a big girl.

Next section will be a bit long and doting on how cute my daughter is and all the new things she is doing since last time I've written, since it's been a while, this is going to take a while.

Tils is ABSOLUTELY adorable. Just when I think she can't get any cuter she does. She is so awesome, I love each and every day I get to spend with her. She is hilarious, weird, serious, silly, SO SMART, and precious. She has turned into such a chatter box and I'm amazed at how many words she knows, compared to all the kids in her play group she talks about 10x plus, I know big surprise right knowing her parents? :) Ed has started getting her "big" animal books (more like animal encyclopedias) from the library because she knew all the animals in all of her books and is obsessed with animals. She also started caring around a purse. It's pretty cute, she does it in the house a lot, but now anytime we go to leave she has to grab "her bag" she goes "mummy mummy bag" it's pretty cute. She has also really gotten into money (isn't this a bit young?) so I bought her some play money which she now carries around in her little purse. She has also taken to taking her babies on a walk in her little pram. She loves going out back and pushing the baby around the yard. **Cute moment (or could be scary): The other day she pushing her baby around in her pram, carrying her purse, talking on her play cellphone, and I ask myself why didn't I have my camera? Tilly has also started giving the best hugs. She has always been a cuddler, but now she will totally wrap her arms around your neck and give you the biggest hug, plus sometime a little pat on the back, it's awesome, the most amazing/precious feeling and I can't get enough of them!!!!

About 4 weeks ago Tilly started swimming classes. She goes once a week and has 2 other kids in her class. The first week wasn't great, she was nervous and it was cold so we had intermittent crying, but each week has gotten better and this week there were no tears at all. I think Ed is going to come with me in a couple of weeks and video it all for the family, I can't since I'm in the water with her. She has really started kicking her legs and moving her little arms. She swims under water under a hoop and has no fear jumping off the mat and going under water.

Ok, my little one is now awake and this has probably already been to much for most of you, but I will try to be better about posting now that I'm feeling better, and next time I'll add more pics.


raequin said...

Not too long of an entry at all. Congratulations very much. I just bet y'all are excited. All the things about Till are great (makes me look forward to that with Madeleine). Good thing it's worked out with her and the dog!

Sandy said...

Great to have an update on you guys! I am so happy for you and Eddie. I am sure Tilly will be the best Big Sister ever! I miss you guys, and hope to visit again soon. Love to you all! Sandy

Courtney said...

Congrats again on your pregnancy! The second one was much harder one me, I think because, like you said, I was chasing a little around. I hope you start to feel better and have more energy so you can really enjoy your time with just your little girl.