Friday, July 2, 2010

In case our lives are chaotic enough

We have adopted a little puppy. I can't remember the last time I had a puppy, I think I must have been pretty little, so I had forgotten how much work and time they take. She is REALLY cute. We've had her almost 3 weeks now. She was 8 weeks old when we got her. She pretty small, a Jack Russell cross and full of energy. The first few days were interesting to say the least. See Tilly love animals (form a distance) but she does not like them up in her face and she didn't want to touch them, which is part of our reasoning behind getting the dog. So Tilly loved to watch little Tess at first but Tess wanted to jump and play and Tilly was having no part of that so she would cry any time Tess came close. Luckily that was short lived or I don't think I could have made it. Now Tilly absolutely loves her and is constantly trying to get Tess to come sit in her lap or cuddle her, or she's trying to snuggle with her on Tess's bed (now we have to watch that she doesn't get too close to her). She totally cracks me up when she tries to take Tess around the house on her leash. Another precious moment the other night that I wish I could have gotten on video but she moved as soon as I got up to get it was: Tess was laying on her little blanket by our heater and Tilly went and got a book and sat down next to Tess and put her had on her and started "showing" her the book. It was so cute and sweet. There are still moments where Tess makes Til's cry or she gets a bit too excited but it is so sweet when we are comin g up and Tilly starts saying Tess, Tess.


raequin said...

Awesome! That's very cool.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it fun to watch the kids and the puppy get to know each other!?! We're having a great time with Ben. He's not little though - already 40 pounds (more than Olivia)! Glad that every one is adjusting!

simplyeddie said...

she's pretty much the coolest puppy ever....but, sometimes the two of them together drive me crazy!