Sunday, June 20, 2010

Our Little Parrot

I am constantly amazed by how much Tilly knows and how fast she learns things. People weren't kidding when they say children are little sponges. It seems like every day she is learning more habits and words. She talks so much now and repeats just about everything you say. This is usually really funny to hear her sweet little voice chirp up from the back seat, or wherever she might be doing her own little impressions of you, but it has also had me thinking how critical it is to be modeling godly behaviour. Am I being the kind of person that I want her to be? Does she hear me use words that are sprinkled with grace and not judgment or negativity? Does she hear my speak about God daily and what He has done in our lives? Am I showing her patience, understanding, selflessness? Does she see through my actions that that people and relationships are what is important and not things that we have or what we wear? Do we live lives of sacrifice and service?

I hope that I am showing her these things, but I know that sometimes I fail, sometimes I let selfishness, tiredness, busyness, or just stubbornness get in the way. But I also have to remember it's not just showing Matilda and what ever other children we may one day may be blessed with how to live righteously but I am called to live that way each and every day. I am grateful for His grace and mercy!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Oh wow. What fun adventures lie before us! Before Madeleine was born, Matt and I discussed the fact that we're going to have to be careful with our kidding of each other. We do it often and in good humor, but I don't think babies would really understand that we're joking. And that's just a little thing.

I loved your thought about wanting to talk about God every day. I spent some time with Lesli Chapman and her kids one day, and I was really impressed by how she talked with her kids about God. And it wasn't "Let's talk about God!" He came up so naturally in their various conversations that I could tell it happened a lot. I wish I could spend more time with other families with older kids to see how they do things. There is so much to learn!

I know that thinking about it, being aware of how you want Matilda to hear you talk, is a huge step. Just keeping it in your mind is a great start. Good luck!