Monday, April 22, 2013

DIY Pallet Herb Garden

Now that I am feeling much better, we are trying to tick a few things off our to-do list.  One such thing is revamping our back patio/garden area.  I have been combing the web for a while now looking for inspirational and affordable ideas we could adapt to our outside space.   I saw beautiful outdoor areas, but most are not at all feasible for our space or our budget.

It was recently on one of our trips down to my favourite markets in Fremantle I came across an herb garden I loved and wanted to recreate for our back patio.

Ed and I both love to recycle materials, and the more 'free' things we can use the better, so this was the perfect project for us.

Gathering things you need:
-1-2 pallets (while we only used one for the herb garden I did use several boards off the second pallet to make the shelves for the herbs to sit in) Lots of businesses give these away (if you are in Australia there are always some available on gumtree)
-If you have it an a electric drill and saw would be handy (we luckily have an amazing neighbour that is stocked with handy tools and allows us to borrow them)  but if you dont have these a hand saw and hammer would work, you just might need a little more muscle behind it.
-Nails or screws
-We used burlap (of hessian) sacks to hold the herbs
-dirt mixture
-herbs of your choice

-We decided not to hang our pallet as the one we were given was HUGE and super heavy, instead we stood it up and leaned it against the wall.

- I used a crow bar to pry 2 more planks off the second pallet so that the shelves would match the rustic weathered look of the other pallet.

- measure and cut the planks to fit the cross pieces of the pallet.

-Screw these in slightly higher than the lower shelf to form more of a box

-Cut the hessian/burlap bags in half.  The bottom should be ready to hold the dirt and herbs, I used a stapler and folded the other side up a couple times and stapled it to make the top section into a bag to hold each of the herbs.

-Roll the bags down and fit them to your shelves, then fill each bag with dirt and slow release fertiliser.

-We chose a mixture of herbs that I use regularly and also a couple strawberry plants as these tend to grow well in planters here.

and. . . .

Waa Laa

A beautiful herb garden that is cheap to recreate, doesn't take up much space and gives you that rustic recycled look that is popular right now.  This could even be used for apartment goers who don't have any green space of their own to have a great way to grow a few things.

Hope you enjoy.  Go create something beautiful.

1 comment:

kate @ livinglovinglaughing said...

wow im impressed!! first time i've seen someone IRL actually recreate one of these pinterest type projects - well done! looks fantastic and a real statement piece in your back yard too!!! well done - im impressed :) can u whip one up for me too and bring it over?! xx