Friday, September 21, 2012

Family Day

We've discovered that with some things if you don't schedule them in to your day or week then they tend to get overlooked or pushed aside .  This was the case with our family time.  Although we do spend a lot of time together each day, playing, reading, and just the mundane day to day, we weren't taking focused time to spend together enjoying each other as a family. 

 It seemed like there was always more to do than time to do it, people who needed us, chores that needed getting done, lessons that needed to be written etc.  Since we are blessed with working with a church we try to be flexible with our time and energy, so our family days get moved around a bit, but we schedule in at least half a day of focused family time each week.  

Family day can constitute different activities (a list of ideas is composing itself for a later post), some family days we spend the time working together and try to emphasise the point  that as a family it's important to help each other.  Other days we try to do something fun and different.  

We have started scheduling this day in each week and it has been something we all look forward to.

Our family days are usually on Thursday's but the way things fell this week we were together on Friday instead.  We went to the chiropractor this morning, then headed down to Fremantle, one of our families favourite areas in Perth.  They have a wonderful fruit and veg market, all sorts of yummy little places to eat, and a great playground. 

First off we hit up the markets where we bout some yummy fresh fruit.

Then we grabbed a family favourite a couple of homemade organic (that means healthy right) donuts.  They kids got a chocolate filled one and Ed and I shared a blackberry jam one.  YUM!!! I was enjoying eating them so much that I forgot to take a picture until after we were all through.

 Then it was off to the playground to expend some energy before the rain set in.

 She is such a cheese.

It started to rain so it was back to the car to head home for some much needed naps.  Nate couldn't quite make it home.

Aren't they sweet when they are asleep?  

It was such a great morning spending time together enjoying each others company, we are so blessed.  

What kind of things do you enjoy doing together as a family?  Do you have special time each week set apart to spend together?  


Lori @ In My Kitchen, In My Life said...

I love to see you loving each other! I think the hardest thing for me in this season of our family's life is the LACK of times when we are all present and able to focus on one another. Sometimes with 4-5 adults/nearly adults in the household, it feels like a strange hybrid of roommates/family. I'm learning to appreciate the happenstance times that we all find ourselves around the dinner table together or in the living room visiting for a few minutes or in the van going to church.

Melaine said...

I remember those days, when we were so busy with sports, jobs, boyfriends, etc that it was hard to find time to spend time together as a family. Just good to grab those moments when you can and enjoy them all the more.

raequin said...

Our "favourite" trips have been to walk the paths at nearby mountains (Roswell, for example). I enjoyed your previous post also, just couldn't comment on it.